Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas 2013 and my New Year Start!

Starting this blog will be a way to become accountable with all things in my life, to vent, a way to have checks and balances of Me, for Me, to publish and praise accomplishments, make my lists to become more organized, review/set a financial goal, blah,blah,blah!
I've had a lot of things that have happened during 2013 {the biggie being I got married} but till now didn't make time to document so there will be some catching up to do as well.
This will be my NEW YEAR post-my beginning of 2014 so to speak-I hope everyone will join me and follow along, I'm not going to make any promises as to what I write about, my plan is to take one day at a time and see what happens.
Sit back and I hope you enjoy!
Part of me through Blood and Love are my Grand kids,
Baylee (15)  and Kaylan (almost 20) are beside me,
Baron (8) and Daylyn (7) in front.
 All have they're own personalities, all have a place in my heart that will never go away or fade. I'm not going to say that I Love one more than the other though, each at times needs disciplined differently and are accordingly. Kaylan as the oldest is known as my 'First and Foremost', her sister Baylee is 'Second to NO ONE', Baron as the only boy 'My One and Only', and then there's Daylyn my 'Last but not Least',
this makes them all on the same level so to speak,
#1 in my Heart and Soul.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Becoming a wife again

9 years ago today we had our 1st date.  We've known each other for many, many more.

Can you tell I'm  Happy, Happy, Happy!
Stay tuned there's more too come about the Cline's !